I am a senior in high school and have been homeschooled since I was in the second grade. I take classes online at a homeschool organization. Homeschooling has shaped me in many different ways including deepening my relationships with my family, teaching me to manage my own schedule, teaching me independence, and giving me many amazing opportunities that I would not have otherwise had in a public school environment. My favorite subjects include writing, government, and American Sign Language.

I would love to pursue a career in law and become either an attorney or a judge. I developed an interest in law through a combination of the literature I read growing up, the classes I took, and the experiences I had visiting courtrooms on homeschool field trips. I find politics fascinating and I enjoy studying aspects of the law and how it can be used to help people. I have interests in family law, constitutional law, and criminal law. I plan to major in political science.

For three years I took a public speaking class with four other homeschool families. The class taught development on idea formation, communication and development of how to communicate in small and large settings, and how to write and present speeches. As part of the coursework, we were required to showcase our ideas in front of various audiences. Some of the amazing speaking opportunities I’ve had include attending a leadership and government camp which gave me the exciting opportunity to speak twice at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing. I have also spoken twice at an annual Type 1 Diabetes Fund Raising event in front of over 250 attendees. Through those public speaking classes, I participated in multiple competitions and was invited to a competition in Tennessee for my informative speech. I have also spoken at retirement homes and VA hospital.